On Jul 11 13:13:39, Bryan Irvine wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> > Trying to reinstall with the current i386/bsd.rd.
> > All goes well until I actually select a ftp mirror,
> > and asked for the ftp login, I accept the default of
> > 'anonymous'. It keeps asking:
> >
> >         ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
> >         ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
> >         ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
> >
> > and never gets past this.
> >
> > Tried with different ftp mirrors,
> > so it's not that the one mirror is broken.
> Works for me.  Are you behind something?

Behind my ISP.

Generaly, what does it mean if the 'ftp login' question gets repeated?
That the FTP connection and/or FTP login failed? That's not the case
here, as I have downloaded the bsd.rd from the very same anon FTP.

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