> This is still based on the fairly old Loongson 2F; the gen-3 CPUs being
> available only in laptops, right? Not the easiest naming scheme to
> follow...

Nope, you are confusing things.

1, 1A, 1B: 32-bit only processors. Move along.

2, 2A, 2B, 2C: 64-bit but extra instructions conflict with official MIPS
opcode assignment. ``Oops''. Hard to find, if at all, nowadays.

2D: I'm not sure it has even shipped.

2E: found on the first Fuloong generation; might run OpenBSD/loongson,
some tinkering work probably necessary, impossible to find at least in
Europe (in other words: I have not been able to get one, therefore I can
not confirm it works, and I won't bother unless one 2E system shows up
in my mailbox or on my doorstep).

2F: found on the currently available systems: Fuloong 2F (6003, 6004),
Yeeloong laptop, Linloong all-in-one PC (with 17" LCD). All these
systems are supported, a not-so-insignificant number of our developers
have one, and they work well.

2G: fixed 2F without the branch prediction bug. I am told the recent
Yeeloong and Fuloong are fit with 2G processors. I am not even sure
these can be told apart in software, as 2G supposedly reports itself as
a 2F level.

3A: the long-awaited new generation. Supposed to ship in Q3 2010, then
S2 2011, then S1 2012, then ``anytime soon''. I know that the GCC
compile farm has two dekstop 3A motherboards, and one of the
FreeBSD/mips mailing list subscribers has got one about two weeks ago,
too. I have no idea how he got his, given that the systems are still not
available to mere mortals. I am not expecting such systems to be
available until next year (and I'd really like to get a motherboard,
rather than
yet-another-laptop-which-keyboard-will-die-after-two-months, but beggers
can't be choosers).

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