>On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:24:31PM +0200, Peter Laufenberg wrote:
>> >That said, the attitude you're displaying does no one any favors: nobody'ss
>> >here to make you feel special; either you're willing to put in the work
>> >or you aren't.
>> Who the fuck do you think you are to use that tone? The royal "we"? Are 
>> those mutual favors a currency I can trade for a cash? Will the OpenBSD 
>> community branding me "special" get me more work? pussy? the INS fast-lane? 
>> Nope. *IF* I decide to "put in the work", mylord, it'll be on my own terms 
>> so you can get off your high horse and drop that plastic monocle replica.
>> I got my own agenda; if there was general support for a mediawiki-based site 
>> that includes the new Lua bindings I could partially wrap that into my 
>> current job on my remote Lua debugger. Assuming I don't completely botch it, 
>> I would be doing a favour to the OpenBSD community in return for nothing, as 
>> do others, but it's pretty clear by now that change is not exactly welcome.
>> I'm not going to piss against the wind and invest energy in a project doomed 
>> to fail, especially given your condescending tone that "does no one any 
>> favors".
>> -- p
>"I refuse to do any work until my ego is properly stroked!" is no way to go
>through life.

Agreed, that is exactly what I wrote.

-- p

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