something like that.

also, you might see a few responses from my alternate email
(technomage.hawke@***.***). I need to make sure my send field is set
correctly. grrrr.

I am not sure what application would be good for editing (or creating) man
pages such that I don't need to worry about all of those codes.

On Jul 27, 2012, at 12:17 AM, Vadim Zhukov wrote:

> Am I right you need ASCII-like output without extra formatting (e.g.,
terminal escape codes)? Something like:
> "xyz utility does the following: blah-blah. The options are as follows: -h
to make you happy. -k to kill your ex-girl's kitten. -v to make sure everyone
know what are you doing. See also manual page for cat in section one, manual
page for kill in section one and for wall in section one."
> This could be accomplished by new backbend for mandoc, as I can understand.
Other easy would be to teach your screen reader to mdoc(7) and man(7) formats.
This will do it best as you'll have hyperlinks and other stuff the way you
> ... And for now going with MANPAGER and /etc/man.conf will be your best
option, I think.
> 27.07.2012 4:33 пользователь "Eric Oyen" <>
> man,
> the format of that page is ugly to listen to. lots of back slashes. I
> there didn't appear to be any line/returns in there (and that is  something
> screen reader doesn't make clear either).
> I will have to find an online version of the man page mentioned below.
> -eric
> On Jul 26, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Weldon Goree wrote:
> > On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 10:54 -0700, Eric Oyen wrote:
> >> well, I am wondering what packages I can use to edit man pages.
> >
> > The pages themselves are marked-up text; just use a text editor. Note
> > that OpenBSD doesn't use groff anymore to render them. Look at
> > mandoc(1)
> > mdoc(7) (the suggested format)
> > man(7) (the legacy format; you may run across it in older pages you're
> > editing)
> >
> > As an example, here's mdoc(7) in its text format, via cvsweb:
> >
> >
> ent-type=text%2Fplain
> >
> > That's what you would be editing.
> >
> > Weldon
> >
> > Weldon

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