On Sat, Aug 04, 2012 at 07:05:38PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> Well, git just has a different set of bugs than cvs.
> I would deem cvs MORE painful than git on average, it's just that
> we're more accustomed to the pain...

Yes, this is right. And also there would be a price to pay in lost
productivity in switching to a new system. To those very familiar with
CVS and not very familiar with Git (or hg, et al), the benefits of
switching are nebulous and uncertain, while the cost is very real.

Over time, OpenBSD has done things that were in the "no, never, just go
away" category just a few years before. I would not be too surprised if
OpenBSD switched to a DVCS in the future, when it's a well considered
switch and not a headlong rush into "the next new thing." To those of us
who see the benefits of DVCS it's frsutrating to wait, but OpenBSD has
avoided many pitfalls by being conservative. In the meantime, OpenBSD
uses CVS, and it's workable.

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