On 7 September 2012 23:14, russell <russ...@dotplan.dyndns.org> wrote:
> On 09/08/12 03:34, Ville Valkonen wrote:
>> On 7 September 2012 14:08, russell <russ...@dotplan.dyndns.org> wrote:
>>> I have doing quite a lot of netbooting lately. However I can not figure
>>> out
>>> how to configure a specific machine to use a specific kernel.
>>> Is there a way for pxeboot to load a kernel based on something machine
>>> dependent, for example, mac address?
>>> If not, I have been digging around in sys/stand/boot/boot.c
>>> while I have not found where to get the mac address yet
>>> would it be preferable to
>>> a. look for a boot.conf.<macaddress> before an unadorned boot.conf
>>> b. if not otherwise specified fall back to /bsd.<macadress>
>>> c. macro expansion in boot.conf(somthing in the manner of
>>>     "machine $macaddress")
>>> I like option a as that seems like it would be easy to put in and provide
>>> configuration power where needed while not complicating the
>>> setup in the common case of only ever needing one kernel.
>> Have you checked man 8 diskless ?
>> --
>> Ville
> heh, diskless(8), thats my bible.
> but my problem is.
> dhcp: filename directive
>   can be per machine but it does not point to  a kernel.
>   it points to a pxeboot.
> pxeboot:
>   can be configured via boot.conf but there is no way to specify
>   a kernel based on the machine actually booting,
>   can only hard code the kernel image in.
>   and even if I kept different pxeboot binarys they would still use the
>   same boot.conf
> when different machines (say one is amd64 and the other is i386) need
> different kernels one boot.conf will not work.
> I was hoping there was something obvious I missed when setting it up.
> cause right now I am typing in the kernel name by hand when booting, which
> sucks and kind of defeats the purpose of netbooting.
> my intention is to hack boot.c(my guess, at this point I am still just
> looking at source) to check for and use some sort of global kernel
> macaddress var pxeboot claims to set.
> It may seem I have no idea what I am doing, this is true.
> However I figure this is a good chance to learn.

Apparently I remembered the contents of the man and its pointers
wrong, so for sorry for the noise. Should have checked.


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