On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 22:28:26 -0500
JD Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mike wrote:
> > I don't know how similar the Ultra20 and X2100 are, but here's dmesg
> > 
> > output from an Ultra20:
> This is completely off-topic, but how do you like the Ultra 20
> overall?  I need a new workstation for home, and I'm trying to decide
> between  doing the Ultra 20 @ $360/year or building an Athlon64 X2.
> I'm leaning  towards the latter because I know I'll be doing some
> upgrades right off  the bat should I go with an Ultra 20, and I'll end
> up with significantly  more machine, but there's just something about
> having a Sun logo that  makes the decision a touch more difficult :)
> Anyway, I'd be interested  to hear your thoughts.
> -JD


tho i really can't understand Sun using the 'Ultra' batch for a
peeceeish thing, IMHO the Ultra 20 is a really good machine. first of
all: you have ECC memory :) (when you choose the smallest config, AFAIR
it comes with 2x 256MByte non-ECC, but it's surely exchangeable very
easy). furthermore you can upgrade it to a dual core Opteron.

Sun has an image to defend and they will by not selling crap but good
and reliable machines. (IMHO it's really the worst way to 'build'
'computers' -- building peecees up from single parts whose quality is
always degraded by capitalistic production issues; every single
manufacturer you buy a product from wants maximum profit on it. of
course, IBM, Sun etc. also have to follow those rules, but surely they
got a different approach so quality gets not harmed that much.)


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