On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Kenneth R Westerback
<kwesterb...@rogers.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:45:02AM +0400, Mike Korbakov wrote:
>> Last chance to not mix up the problem. So I see the following problems:
>> 1. Search engine for the official site.
>> Search should be available by simple actions: text entry and one-click (or 
>> "Enter")
>> Search results from the official website should lead to also official 
>> responses.
>> All results on this page
>> http://www.google.com/search?q=%22nfs_server%22&domains=www.openbsd.org&sitesearch=www.openbsd.org&btnG=Search
>> are located in the domain openbsd.org, their text looks correct. Without 
>> special knowledge,
>> no one can determine their relevance to real life.
>> If I had special knowledge, then would not have used the search.
>> Someone does not agree?
> Entering 'nfs_server' in the OpenBSD.org main page search *does*
> find a spanish version of the FAQ from 2004 which has a single
> reference to nfs_server. Unfortunately I can't read spanish so I
> don't know what it says. However, as it is from 2004 it is undoubtably
> wrong.

For me this phrase doesn't return Spanish version on first results
page of Google at all. That's however simply result of

> Going to the source tree and doing a "find /usr/src/www -type f |
> xargs grep nfs_server" finds four mentions of nfs_server (es, pl,
> pt, and zh faq6.html).
> Going into the cvs repository via the web front end shows that
> nfs_server got removed in r1.149 of rc.conf in 2011/07/08, as part
> of the move to the rc.d framework.
> Going into /etc/rc.conf itself shows some 'backward compatibility'
> mentions of nfs_server. Which I guess are not sufficient to make
> nfs_server work as you desire.
> It looks to me like it's almost time to remove that backward
> compatibility code and dead language translations of the FAQ, lest
> others be misled.

As Antoine noted old translations are not linked from original pages
and those "unsupported" are removed completely, but not from CVS of
course. http://www.openbsd.org/translation.html , maybe that solution
with robots.txt can help, but not so sure about it.

> .... Ken

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