On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 04:13:47PM -0200, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i have seen, some minutes ago, a message about cloud with BSD!
> I have seen announcements on cloud computing every where. What is the
> difference between a BSD cloud and a linux cloud ? A windows cloud and a
> linux cloud ?
> Isn't all that the new buzz word  in the market ?
> So what would a BSD cloud be different in the context of cloud (not openbsd
> features) ?
> So in essence what is it really cloud we have not doing since networks have
> been in the game ?
> Don't take this as an offense, i just cannot understand all this frenesy
> about clouds ...

As now qemu has direct support for glusterfs (a distributed
filesystem) and glusterfs daemon[1] should run on any Unix-like OS
you can have OpenBSD-based cloud too :D For glusterfs is that you
won't be able to mount it on OpenBSD as other posix filesystem
as there's neither support nor FUSE-like workaround.

You can of course try to "port" KVM to OpenBSD, hehe.


[1] http://community.gluster.org/q/does-glusterfs-support-freebsd/

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