> i have seen, some minutes ago, a message about cloud with BSD!
> I have seen announcements on cloud computing every where. What is the
> difference between a BSD cloud and a linux cloud ? A windows cloud and a
> linux cloud ?
> Isn't all that the new buzz word  in the market ?

It's bullshit marketing blah-blah if the "cloud" cannot be automated,
i.e. it must be possible to provision new RAM and CPU resources with an
API. In fact, it's all about APIs ... the OS defines the APIs available
to access those RAM and CPU resources (most significant difference would
be Windows vs Unix).

It's all about abstraction of the infrastructure, and automation. As a
user, I don't care if my API calls manage virtual machines or force an
intern to timely do everything manually on bare metal for me, using
jolts of electricity. That's also what makes it potentially interesting
-- just not from a security point of view.

In case of virtualization, the guest OS (possibly OpenBSD) can never be
any more secure than the host OS (usually Linux), and the whole setup is
more risky overall due to added complexity and additional attack vectors.

On the plus side, the things one can build with an infrastructure that
can be 100% automated are quite cool, at the very least in terms of
auto-repair (covering most types of failures) and the hyped auto-scaling.

> So what would a BSD cloud be different in the context of cloud (not openbsd
> features) ?

Different long- and short-term maintenance, I would say (in my
experience with OpenBSD, better + cheaper than Linux). And, with OpenBSD
as the guest, I would also expect significant benefit wrt security: due
to its nature in general, and lack of unnecessary complexity in
particular. From a dogmatic point of view, however, OpenBSD "in the
cloud" is not desired (due to the security issues wrt virtualization).

IOW, I'd also be very much interested in a proper compute cloud offering
OpenBSD instances, ideally with an EC2-compatible API ... it would be an

> So in essence what is it really cloud we have not doing since networks have
> been in the game ?
> Don't take this as an offense, i just cannot understand all this frenesy
> about clouds ...

Automation. 42. Many people seem to mix up cloud computing with plain
virtual servers, grid computing, clustering, whatever ... but those are
just possible components, and what it boils down to is abstraction and
automation -- at least from an engineering point of view.


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