f...@zhou.es (Feng Zhou), 2012.12.10 (Mon) 12:02 (CET):
> I was trying out st and urxvt as a replacement for xterm, and it
> turned out that all the settings I put in ~/.profile are not
> recognised when I use either st or urxvt. 
> Is this a bug or an expected behaviour that I need to do something
> about to use other terminals? The shell was not changed, it was the
> default ksh. At first I thought it was a problem of st, but it
> happened to urxvt too. So I thought it's best to ask here. Any help is
> much appreciated.

I am guessing here, but from the times I used rxvt there's still:

Rxvt*loginShell: TRUE

in my .Xdefaults.

Bye, Marcus

> !DSPAM:50c5c16d184522009013524!

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