Hi all,

recently we read a lot of total system freezes. Let me try to

Common in many cases is: The system totally freezes. No keyboard
interaction possible. No kernel panic. No coredump. Nothing in the
logs. Network (ICMP, routing) looks up. But no userland action.

Different are the situations: Some users observe this during boot,
others in X during night, some see a high diskio just before the
freeze, others see heavy network load. Some systems run in a VM,
others on real hardware. Sometimes the issue is reproducable at the
same time during night, in other cases it occurs randomly.

So we have a wide variety of situations, but often the same result:
Total freeze without any log or coredump.

Let's assume all this cases have someting in common. Than something
very fundamental is broken.

On the other hand, is it really likely all this cases are different

To all the users: Thanks for all the reports.

To the developers: What is to provide if users did not have anything
in their logs, no cordeump, nothing. Only a total frozen system? Maybe
dmesg and config files, right? And a verbal description what happens,

 - Eps

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