On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 12:05:50AM -0800, Philip Guenther wrote:
> > Shout at me, but the magic key mentioned in the manpage is ctrl+c on
> > i386, right?
> No.  Try the second and third paragraphs of "man ddb".

Thanks. Got it! I will report as soon as the freeze occured again.

> If it *ever* froze before ifstated/squid/dante/whatever was started,
> then they are not required for it to occur. 

If it is a single bug you are totally right.

Yes and you are right. If I only focus on a single bug, it is possible
to eliminate more cases.

> Indeed, happening that
> early tends to make me think it's something in the network stack, its
> configuration, and/or the network traffic that the machine sees.

Yes, this is why I powered off the DSL modem during boot.

> Hmm, you mention later that you _have_ reproduced it on other
> hardware; can you install the current snapshot on to that other
> hardware and test with it?  You could then leave your current box as
> is...

Will put this on my ToDo list.

> No traffic but it freezes.  Does your building/area get power "brownouts"?

During thunderstorms if lightnings hit the infrastructure im my area,
yes. But no such event occured when the freeze happend. No flashing/dimming
lights in this room.

> > But the network is still on topic: Someone claimed he had no freezes
> > if he disabled logging in PF. pflogd is started _after_ PF is enabled.
> > Did anyone check what happens if pflogd is started before PF? Maybe I
> > give it a try. It's just I feel uncomfortable in hacking /etc/rc. This
> > file is not intended to be changed by users, right?
> That seems very unlikely.  If it was something like that I would
> expect it to be more consistent.

Thanks. So no need to do such hacks.

BTW: No freeze for three days (about 8 times booted the box) now.

 - Eps

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