On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 03:38:37PM +0100, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Jan 07 15:14:21, h...@stare.cz wrote:
> > On Jan 07 13:27:35, h...@stare.cz wrote:
> > > This is current/amd64. Unlike in previous versions,
> > > some memory-heavy processes (such as in building some
> > > big port) get killed with
> > > 
> > >   UVM: pid 11422 (cc1plus), uid 0 killed: out of swap
> > > 
> > > On this machine, I have _no_ swap. However, the machine has
> > > 1G RAM, and most of it is free in the moment this happens.

> > > In fact, occasionaly, spawning a new xterm fails like this,
> > > even if there is nothing else happening and there is nearly
> > > 1G of free RAM.
> > > 
> > > Has something changed in this respect?
> > > Do I _have_ to have swap?

> No, sorry; root is in the daemon class:
> daemon:\
>       :ignorenologin:\
>       :datasize=infinity:\
>       :maxproc=infinity:\
>       :openfiles-cur=128:\
>       :stacksize-cur=8M:\
>       :localcipher=blowfish,8:\
>       :tc=default:

who cares ? the limiting factor here is 1G of memory.

keep in mind that 64 bits ~= twice the size for some things, which
include compiling and linking code.

There are lots of *large* stragglers in the ports tree that won't
compile within 1G of memory, heck, they can go over 2G in some
cases (landry@ is starting to hit hard limits on some 32 bit machines,
for instance).

Theo is right: a *huge* default limit *for every normal process* is

But compiling big ports is not normal. :)

For starters, you could use the provided snapshots. If you don't, you're
supposed to know what you're doing (obviously, there's something missing

Heck, I even added a few paragraphs about bulk build hints to ports(7)

You could also question whether it's reasonable to need THAT much memory
to compile and link that code. Unfortunately, we're stuck with the tools
that exist. Developping a more efficient compiler+linker is a *huge*

oh, and most people out there *won't even care*. If you whine that you
can't compile stuff with your 1G of memory, a lot of developers will
laugh at the puny amount of memory you have on your development machine.
Sad but true...

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