> My apologies to all; I didn't mean to be trolling or rude back to those 
> helpful on the list.

I believe you.

> I just felt off putting comments like "let-me-find-that-man-page-for-you" are 
> not the right way to treat those who support your projects.

The "project" cannot be held responsible for what people are talking
on project's mail list. Do not confuse developers' group with list
users group. And most of all, address that poster, not the "project"
and all the developers.

> A response back like: check the man pages, check the faqs, look on daemon 
> forums; or google that are fine.

You got some of these, too, even in the first stage.

> I know it's daunting to get redundant questions all the time and have new 
> people who don't know where to look.

Trust me, some people here are still answering with patience to all of these.

> Too me it's just sad to see new people treated like crud; how can you get new 
> supporters, porters and volunteers if new people aren't welcome.

You are guessing again. How do you know they are not welcomed? Why do
you think you know how the project can get new supporters, etc ?

> Even the uneducated sloppy ones can spend a few bucks on CD and T's

Yes, they surely do ! But this will not buy the right to throw
whatever you like on the lists. Nor make some technical affirmations
without support or holding the ground for them. As Theo said many
times, you must know your user rights. Which are not so many :-).

> Anyway ... sorry to all I offended.

Cheer up and do not worry, folks here are forgiving. Or not ?

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