Hi all,

Thanks for all the replies to my call for help.

The soekris install command that worked was:

shell# sudo qemu-system-i386 -hda /dev/rsd1c -cdrom install52.iso -boot d

Turns out I was not using the raw device (/dev/rsd1c) in my command but was 
trying to install /dev/sd0c.

Thanks also to Nick Holland for suggesting some alternative ways to install 
OBSD on Soekris that one might also call simple.
I'll definitely try them.

I do think that using quemu is a good (and "simple") way to go for me because:

- I have qemu installed on my box for other reasons
- one only needs an attached cf card and a current version of install.iso (no 
CD burning or laptop reboot required)
- with qemu the install to cf can happen alongside other tasks within my usual 
work environment (e.g. browsing, word processing, etc)

Thanks again.



> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm having a frustrating problem getting OpenBSD-current (or
> > snapshot) to run on my Soekris net5501.
> > 
> > With previous versions of OBSD I was able to use qemu to install to a
> > compact flashcard directly, by connecting the flashcard to my laptop
> > and then starting qemu like so:
> > 
> > sudo qemu -hda /dev/sd0i -cdrom install52.iso -boot d  (and many
> > variations of this command mostly pertaining to the /dev/sd0
> > section)
> funny definition of "directly".
> ...
> > P.S.:  I know there are other ways to get OpenBSD running on a
> > Soekris but I've always liked the utter simplicity of the qemu-based
> > install.
> using an emulator = simple?
> If you don't understand the tools well enough to troubleshoot the problem, I 
> really \
> don't believe your assessment there. I don't know much about qemu, but I see 
> a \
> problem in the command line. 
> This is what *I* call simple:
> Take your USB flash card reader to a free machine with a USB port.  Put an 
> OpenBSD \
> CD in it.  Boot off CD.  Install to CF device.  Use DUIDs. Create a \
> /etc/hostname.vr0 (or whatever your soekris uses for its primary NIC), and do 
> other \
> network configuration as needed.  Put flash device in Soekris.  Done.  
> "direct", \
> "simple", bare minimum of extra tools.  Machine doesn't even have to be able 
> to \
> boot from the USB port, though you can't test it before installing on soekris 
> if it \
> isn't. 
> (variation: install bare minimum system on flash drive, move to Soekris, at 
> the \
> boot> prompt, tell it bsd.rd and re-install exactly as you wish.  If *I* were 
> doing \
> that, I could do it from an installed OpenBSD machine of the same platform 
> without \
> taking down the machine or booting from a CD. I'd call that simple, but I \
> understand some basic tools that we try to keep normal people from having to 
> use.  \
> The info for figuring out how to do that is all in the OpenBSD FAQ, though 
> not in \
> recipe form.) 
> Nick.

"I Cannot Do All the Good that the World Needs, But the World Needs All the 
Good That I Can Do"    --Jana Stanfield

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