On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do think that using quemu is a good (and "simple") way to go for me 
>> because:
>> - I have qemu installed on my box for other reasons
>> - one only needs an attached cf card and a current version of install.iso 
>> (no CD \
>>                 burning or laptop reboot required)
>>- with qemu the install to cf can happen alongside other tasks within my 
>>usual work \
>> environment (e.g. browsing, word processing, etc)
> Yeah, this is valid until qemu guys will change some switch again and
> you will be here posting 2 ways that worked before and are not working
> anymore ...
> I didn't install OpenBSD on a flash device until now, but I do
> remember the times Nick said to install like this flash is a normal
> disk and to avoid using any third party methods. Hopeless.

Easiest method I've found is to run up a disk image with just boot and
bsd.rd (add an /etc/boot.conf if you need to configure it to use a
serial console), then dump it on the CF card.  Perform install using
http as the source.  Job done.

Aaron Mason - Programmer, open source addict
I've taken my software vows - for beta or for worse

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