On 01/29/13 21:17, Andriy Samsonyuk wrote:

is apm/apmd the only wat to change the fan speen?

The fan speen never goes above:
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.fan0=4527 RPM
+- few RPMs

if i set apmd -C or -A the laptop powers off after a while
without any warnings.

with apm -L or -H its running, but getting hotter.

Any suggestions/ideas?

You can use "sysctl hw.setperf" to permanently set the cpu to run at a lower speed. On a laptop I used to have, sysctl hw.setperf=0 ran the cpu at 800mhz. This did not have much of a noticable effect on performance, unless I was trying to do some heavy compiling or such.

Your bios settings may also have an option to change the fan speed.

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