On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 08:42:01AM +0100, Janne Johansson wrote:

> 2013/2/19 Keith <ke...@scott-land.net>:
> > Q. How do I make the default web folder /var/www/ capable of holding
> > millions of files (say 50GB worth of small 2kb-12kb files) so that I won't
> > get inode issues ?
> Since you probably aren't going to have 50G/2k number of files in a
> single dir, then you'd be wise to make several filesystems for the
> directories you have there, especially for the fsck reasons mentioned
> by others in this thread.
> Fsck'ing 10 5G fs:es with lots of inodes will be far more fun than one
> of 50G in size. And chances are quite big that not all of those 10

A 50G filesysten created with defaults has more than 6 million inodes
and on a system without a decent amount of memory checks pretty quick. 

If you run ffs2 with softdep, and optimization kicks in that will make
the number of *used* inodes the driving factor, instead of the total
number of inodes on a fs.

> will have issues even on unclean shutdowns, so you would be able to
> skip over a few in such an event.

Likely all will be unclean and need to be checked.

Anyway make sure the max number of files per directory doe not grow
without bound. Use a max of a couple of 10000 files per directory as a
rule of thumb. 


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