Claudio Jeker <> writes:

> Don't forget to increase the UDP recvbuffer space. The default is somewhat
> small and will result in drops. At least you should invest some time to
> play with that value and see if it helps.

I played with the net.inet.udp.recvspace sysctl option today. The
maximum allowed value for it is 262144. After that things break (as in
no daemons start, network is disabled and during boot I get the message
ifconfig: socket: No buffer space available). I guess I am reaching some
sort of kernel limit, without producing kernel panic. 

With the maximum value I do see udp packet drops in my tests (that
increase as the test provides larger query rates)

root@dmeg-dns1 ~ # netstat -s -p udp 
        268217 datagrams received
        0 with incomplete header
        0 with bad data length field
        0 with bad checksum
        194 with no checksum
        267842 input packets hardware-checksummed
        0 output packets hardware-checksummed
        130 dropped due to no socket
        0 broadcast/multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
        0 dropped due to missing IPsec protection
        64705 dropped due to full socket buffers
        203382 delivered
        212059 datagrams output
        187019 missed PCB cache 
Unfortunately I see no real difference in BIND's performance with the
values I tested (262144, 131072). 

Kostas Zorbadelos               
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