Has anyone done a successful upgrade from Loongson 5.2 to 5.3? I've done
upgrades on numerous platforms and this is the only one I've ever had
problems with. The upgrade seemed to go fine and finish normally. After the
reboot it goes from the Lemote Dragon screen to a black screen and stops

After this didn't work I tried copying boot and bsd from the install media
to their correct locations on the installed system. Rebooting also joy.

If I try booting manually from pmon into my installed system it stops:

PMON> boot -k /dev/fs/ext2@wd0/boot/boot
Loading file: /dev/fs/ext2@wd0/boot/boot (elf)
0x81e20000/44368 + 0x81e2ad50/4400(z) +
>> OpenBSD/loongson BOOT 0.3
booting wd0a:/bsd: 4988544+588976=0x551db0
804dfe94 0000a088 .word 0000a088         #  . . . .

Cluebats graciously anticipated.


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