On 2013 Jun 25 (Tue) at 17:44:11 +0200 (+0200), Charles RAPENNE wrote:
:On 06/25/13 16:25, toby wrote:
:>Hi there,
:>I just wondered if anyone else had found that the shasums on the latest
:>(24/06/13) snapshots are wrong. I've just tried upgrading from all the
:>different mirrors here in the UK & got shasum errors for all the non X
:>parts from the Oxford mirror, the Bytemark mirror and the mirrorservice

This happens from time-to-time with Snapshots.  It usually does not mean
there is a problem, but that a partial snap went out.  Wait a while for
the mirrors to catch up.

I don't know anything about music.  In my line you don't have to.
                -- Elvis Presley

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