On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:39 AM, toby <t...@knowayhack.com> wrote:
>> This happens from time-to-time with Snapshots.  It usually does not mean
>> there is a problem, but that a partial snap went out.  Wait a while for
>> the mirrors to catch up.
> Oh ok, but how come all the time stamps say that all the files in the
> directory were last modified on the 24th (both the correctly summed files
> and the the incorrect ones)? I thought that meant that all the files in
> that directory had been updated on the same day. Or do you mean something
> else by partial update?

In this case, a close examination would show that the base sets were
updated in the minute before the X sets were updated.  It's likely
that what occurred was the updates to the SHA256 file overlapped,
resulting in the checksums for the new base sets were overwritten with
the checksums for the previous base sets.

> Also, I wondered if there was a way to have the installer/upgrader ask you
> whether or not you want to continue if it encounters an incorrect shasum?
> By default it just carries on regardless.

That would involve downloading all the sets before installing any of
them, as you don't want to mix sets.  Where do you put them before
then?  It's probably doable, but working out the details would be a
chunk of work for someone.  Worth it?  Not to me...

Philip Guenther

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