In my ~/.Xresources, I specify XTerm*locale:ISO8859-2
to get my xterm to display the chars of the Czech language,
and in my ~/.xinitrc, I toggle -layout us,cz via setxkbmap
to be able to type the Czech chars.
(See full ~/.Xresources and ~/.xinitrc at bottom.)

My problem is that _sometimes_ I cannot even start
those xterms. Occasionaly, upon launching a new
xterm with ctrl-alt-enter (I use cwm), the xterm window
appears for a moment and disappears immediately.
Sometimes, after a few such tries, the xterm window
appears to stay and the xterm works just fine.
Sometimes, luit(1) zombie are left after
the previous failed xterms; sometimes not.

This is how it looks after a succesfully started xterm:

 |   \-+- 27420 hans xinit /home/hans/.xinitrc -- /home/hans/.xserverrc :0 
-auth /home/hans/.serverauth.3252
 |     |-+= 24140 hans Xorg -nolisten tcp
 |     | \--- 01784 root Xorg: [priv] (Xorg)
 |     \-+= 30481 hans sh /home/hans/.xinitrc
 |       \-+- 02515 hans cwm
 |         \-+= 12316 hans xterm
 |           \-+= 01852 hans /usr/X11R6/bin/luit -encoding ISO8859-2 -argv0 -ksh
 |             \-+= 01607 hans -ksh (ksh)
 |               \-+= 24783 hans tmux: client (/tmp/tmux-1000/default) (tmux)
 |                 \--- 30479 hans (tmux)

I understand that the support for the XTerm*locale: ISO8859-2 setting
is achieved by using luit(1). If I comment the locale setting out
(and so don't launch luit and lose the locale support),
these problems disappear.

This leads me to suspect luit, or the way xterm calls luit.
Am I missing something? Is there something specific I could test?

Also, is this actually the way to get xterm support for my locale?
How do people with languages out of ascii do this?


$ cat .xinitrc

xset -b -c dpms 300 600 900 m 2 0 r rate 400 30 s blank s 120 60
xsetroot -solid black
xrdb ~/.Xresources

setxkbmap -layout "us,cz" -option "grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc


$ cat .Xresources
XTerm*termName:                 xterm-color
XTerm*message:                  true
XTerm*cutNewline:               true
XTerm*cutToBeginningOfLine:     true
! these should not break a "word"
XTerm*charClass:                37:48,45-47:48,58:48,64:48,126:48
XTerm*toolBar:                  false
!XTerm.keyboardType:            vt220
XTerm*backarrowKeyIsErase:      false
!XTer*deleteIsDEL:              true
!XTerm.ptyInitialErase:         true
!XTerm.ttyModes: TODO
XTerm*background:               black
XTerm*foreground:               white
XTerm*activeIcon:               false
XTerm*autowrap:                 true
XTerm*colorMode:                true
XTerm*cursorBlink:              true
XTerm*backarrowKey:             true
XTerm*dynamicColors:            false
XTerm*loginShell:               true
XTerm*reverseWrap:              true
XTerm*scrollBar:                false
!XTerm*scrollKey:               true
!XTerm*scrollLines:             1024
!XTerm*scrollTtyOutput:         false
XTerm*saveLines:                1024
XTerm*selectToClipboard:        true
!XTerm*translations:            TODO
XTerm*visualBell:               true
XTerm*pointerMode:              1

XTerm*eightBitInput:            true
!XTerm*font:  -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-2
XTerm*locale: ISO8859-2

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