................Thu  4.Jul'13 at 23:56:50 -0400, Thomas Jennings................
> Dear OpenBSD developers and users:
> Regretfully, I have decided to abandon OpenBSD and thought I would
> share my reasoning with this list. I thought the 4th of July was a
> good date to do so since my reasons address national security
> implications. As a group of people who take development, security, and
> privacy seriously, I know you will want to know why I made the drastic
> decision to abandon OpenBSD and never look back.

[ ... ]

Then you'd also better stop using mobile phones, landlines, using search
engines, email ... come to think of it, any form of electronic
comminucation, and go back to living in the woods or in a cave and
clubbing your wife with large peices of wood if you're so concerned
about the security services.

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