On Jul 20 11:23:01, kwesterb...@rogers.com wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 11:45:07AM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> > > What troubles me is that whatever device (device name) I try,
> > > it is the 'ofwboot' which is not found.
> > > I don't mind calling my disk 'cd' in the boot sequence
> > > or altering the devaliases, or "setenv boot-device cd:,ofwboot",
> > > but that doesn't work either, as shown above.
> > > How can I make sure that the installer
> > > has actually put the ofwboot on my disk?
> > 
> > I mean, the ofwboot is supposed to be _somewhere_
> > on my disk, right? Where? In the small DOS partition
> > at the beginning of the disk?
> > 
> Yes. From macppc install.md:
> md_installboot() {
>         local _disk=$1
>       # If there is an MSDOS partition on the boot disk, copy ofwboot
>       # into it.
>       if fdisk $_disk | grep -q 'Signature: 0xAA55'; then
>               if fdisk $_disk | grep -q '^..: 06 '; then
>                       if mount /dev/${_disk}i /mnt2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
>                               # Use cat to avoid holes created by cp(1)
>                               cat /mnt/usr/mdec/ofwboot > /mnt2/ofwboot
>                               umount /mnt2
>                       fi
>               fi
>       fi
> }

Ha! This seems to assume that the (fdisk) DOS partition
is the 'i' partition in the disklabel - it is not;
I created a [c]ustom disklabel.

When in the install sequence is this copy of ofwboot done?
Even my real wd0i partition, which is /usr/xobj
(untouched since install) does not contain ofwboot.
That leads me to speculate that this ofwboot copy
is performed _before_ the installing user edits
the disklabel; but perhaps at that moment,
wd0i _is_ really the DOS partiton, and later
I can make the disklabel what I want?

Or did I miss it somewhere in the macppc install documentation
to leave 'i' alone so that ofwboot gets copied to the right place?

Anyway, I tried getting to that copy ofwboot now, as follows: 
I enlarged the disklabel-maintained area to the whole disk ('b')
and created a partion for the DOS piece of the disk. Looking at

Disk: wd0       geometry: 155061/16/63 [156301488 Sectors]
Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
            Starting         Ending         LBA Info:
 #: id      C   H   S -      C   H   S [       start:        size ]
*0: 06      0   0   2 -      2   0  33 [           1:        2048 ] DOS > 32MB  
 1: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused      
 2: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused      
 3: A6      4   1   2 - 155060  15  63 [        4096:   156297392 ] OpenBSD     

I made the DOS partition start at 512 (and then 1024
and then everything under 4096 wherethe obsd part starts),
but never could I mount that DOS partition ...

I will reinstall again, leaving the [a]uto disklabel untouched.

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