On Sep 2, 2013, at 9:13, Gabriel Guzman <g...@guzman-nunez.com> wrote:

> I'm seeing the same thing on my desktop (dmesg below).  Random freezes,
> no debug output that I've seen in any logs, first time I noticed was
> after updating to aug24 snapshot, behavior is the same with aug29th.  

I think this must be the same issue because the behavior surfaced at exactly 
the same time.

> Don't have much more data at the moment, still can't reliably get the
> freeze to happen, sometimes it's when I launch tmux (tmux attach -t0)
> sometimes it's when I have a lot of xterms open... last night it was
> when I was playing warzone2100 (hey, I just got good video support with
> my radeon card!!!) always happens in X
> though, I can use the machine all day long via ssh from work w/out
> an issue.  

It's never reliable for me either. It's only happened in X but I always run X 
so that isn't much help.

> I'll try and track down more data, and run through the disable apmd, etc
> process laster this afternoon.  And if it's useful, I can backtrack
> through snapshots to see where this started happening.

I am also running apmd with either -A or -C. It's interesting that this happens 
on an AMD system which seems to indicate that it's not Intel graphics related 
or something like that.


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