On Thu, 10 Oct 2013, Manuel Giraud wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a ntfs partition with rather large (about 3GB) files on it. When
> I copy these files on a ffs partition they are corrupted. When I try to
> checksum them directly from the ntfs partition the checksum is not
> correct (compared to the same file on a fat32 partition copied with
> Windows).
> I tried this (with same behaviour) on i386 5.3 release and on i386 last
> week current. I'm willing to do some testing to fix this issue but don't
> really know where to start.

See if you can isolate the smallest possible reproducable test case. If you 
create a 3GB file with known content (e.g. the same byte repeated), does the 
same issue occur? If so, how small do you need to go before the problem goes 
away? Also, what operating system (and version) was used to write the files 
to the NTFS volume?

    "Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile."
        -- Mary Ritter Beard

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