On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 04:56:36PM +0100, Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 04:56:35PM +0200, Remco wrote:
> > Possibly, yes, but I don't think you're supplying all information necessary 
> > to 
> > determine that. The exact command you run isn't clear to me.
> Here it is, on the machine without errors:
> $ id
> uid=1001(backup) gid=1001(backup) groups=1001(backup), 5(operator)
> $ /sbin/dump -0auf /tmp/var.dump /var
>   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Oct 11 16:21:30 2013
>   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
>   DUMP: Dumping /dev/rsd0e (/var) to /tmp/var.dump
>   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
>   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
>   DUMP: estimated 107345 tape blocks.
>   DUMP: Volume 1 started at: Fri Oct 11 16:21:35 2013
>   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
>   DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
>   DUMP: 114670 tape blocks on 1 volume
>   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Oct 11 16:21:30 2013
>   DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Fri Oct 11 16:22:04 2013
>   DUMP: Volume 1 took 0:00:29
>   DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 3954 KB/s
>   DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Fri Oct 11 16:22:04 2013
>   DUMP: Average transfer rate: 3954 KB/s
>   DUMP: level 0 dump on Fri Oct 11 16:21:30 2013
>   DUMP: Closing /tmp/var.dump
> $ mount
> /dev/sd0a on / type ffs (local)
> /dev/sd0g on /home type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> /dev/sd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> /dev/sd0f on /usr type ffs (local, nodev)
> /dev/sd0e on /var type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> Now on the other one:
> $ id
> uid=1003(backup) gid=1003(backup) groups=1003(backup), 5(operator)
> $ /sbin/dump -0auf /tmp/var.dump /var
>   DUMP: Ignoring u flag for subdir dump
>   DUMP: Dumping sub files/directories from /
>   DUMP: Dumping file/directory /var
>   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Oct 11 16:22:57 2013
>   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
>   DUMP: Dumping /dev/rsd0a (/) to /tmp/var.dump
>   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/audit: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/authpf: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/backups: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/crash: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/cron/atjobs: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/cron/tabs: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/ldap: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/libart-2.3.21: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/png-1.5.10: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/rrdtool-1.2.30p3: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/symon-2.85: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/libxml-2.7.8p6: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/femail-0.98: Permission denied
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/db/pkg/femail-chroot-0.98p1: Permission denied
> [snip]
>   DUMP: Can't fts_read /var/postfix: Permission denied
>   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
>   DUMP: estimated 68170 tape blocks.
>   DUMP: Volume 1 started at: Fri Oct 11 16:22:57 2013
>   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
>   DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
>   DUMP: 68342 tape blocks on 1 volume
>   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Oct 11 16:22:57 2013
>   DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Fri Oct 11 16:23:06 2013
>   DUMP: Volume 1 took 0:00:09
>   DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 7593 KB/s
>   DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Fri Oct 11 16:23:06 2013
>   DUMP: Average transfer rate: 7593 KB/s
>   DUMP: Closing /tmp/var.dump
> $ mount                               
> /dev/sd0a on / type ffs (local)
> So that pertains 1). 
> > 2) a mountpoint, I suspect the underlying device node is accessed to make 
> > the 
> > backup.
> > 
> > Guess what ?
> > 
> > $ ls -l /dev/sd0a
> > brw-r-----  1 root  operator    4,   0 May  7 19:13 /dev/sd0a
> > 
> > AFAICT device nodes are readable by the operator group an thus can be 
> > backed 
> > up by members of that group.
> > 
> > To the best of my knowledge dump can be used to backup whole filesystems by 
> > accessing them through the underlying device node as a member of the 
> > operator 
> > group.
> Now that you explained it like that, I can see what's happening.
> It works when there is a partition because of the permissions of the device 
> itself
> and not of the filesystem.
> Thank you!

So is it related to permissions on partition device? If so wow,
I didn't know how it works...


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