On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 06:01:30AM +0100, za...@gmx.com wrote:
> I was thinking of dual booting OpenBSd and Windows 8.1. Has anyone 
> managed to do that?
> I suppose I would have to install Windows first, and then OpenBSD.
> Does the OpenBSD installation include a boot manager such as GRUB?
> I have experience setting up dual booting with GRUB, when installing 
> Linux. Is it ok if I follow the same procedure with OpenBSD? If not, how 
> would you advise me to go about it?

Get something called EasyBCD for windows.  Use that to install their
"neogrub boot loader", in the configuration of that do something like:

root (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

the hd for root may be different depending on your machine
configuration.  This will set up a boot selection for you using the
windows boot loader - you will get a chance to select what OS you want
to boot, if you select the non-windows option then the machine will
reboot into the OS you selected.  Microsoft are sneaky and pre-load the
windows while the timeout is counting down so it looks like windows
boots instantly if you select that.

Neogrub is just a port of grub for dos/windows, you can put standard
grub commands in there including setting up a grub boot menu if you have
more than one OS to boot.

Brett Lymn
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