On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 10:09:07AM +0000, Zé Loff wrote:
> Not sure how advisable this is, but I'm using a gpg encrypted file,
> which I keep somewhere hidden (just because). Just put them in file
> foo and do 'gpg -e foo' (assuming you've already setup gpg). When you
> need to look something up just do 'gpg -d foo' and the file gets
> decrypted to stdout.
> I use it mostly for mutt (see the top of
> http://nixtricks.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/mutt-multiple-email-accounts-using-hooks/)
> but you can keep anything in there, obviously.

I have this snippet in .kshrc, it needs the xclip tool from packages.

function getpass {
        gpg --decrypt $HOME/pw.gpg | grep "^$1" | awk '{print $2}' \
                | tr -d '\n' |  xclip -i 

The plaintext of pw.gpg has lines like this:

key     password

Run 'getpass somekey', enter pgp passphrase, and you can paste the
password with the middle button (if you want it to go into the e.g.
GTK+ paste buffer instead, try the -selection option of xclip).

To generate passwords, I use 'pwgen 32' (see pwgen package).

> its not like I'm keeping the password to root accounts or anything of
> the like in there...

Me neither.

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