On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 4:10 AM, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> On Dec 06 02:20:49, andre...@zoho.com wrote:
>> >> conclusion: shell is not good for this
>> >
>> > Yeah right.
>> > Who would even think of doing this in shell.
>> apparently at least one person did
> I was being sarcastic of course, dipshit.
>> you aren't in sync with the quantity of real world shells that use
>> temp files for heredoc, and who feature combinations of { printf
>> (not)? being a builtin, alternatives like ``print'' and ``echo'' are
>> unportable }
> Indeed, I am not in sync with the quantity of real world shells
> (as opposed to sh?), thank god. Christian's code is pure sh though.

what does this even mean?

some implementations of sh use tmpfiles and some don't. this isn't
about syntax differences.

you aren't understanding the subject, but choose to participate anyways. why?

who do you think you're impressing?

>> >> even if it keeps heredocs in memory you have no idea if it zeros it
>> >> out afterwards
> Also, the letters of the password get read
> by the console driver as you type them.
> God knows what happens there.
> On Dec 06 08:15:19, andre...@zoho.com wrote:
>> you use cat, muffin face:
>> ...
>> STTY=`stty -g`
>> echo -n "Password: "
>> stty -echo
> So after typing "password" and hitting [enter],
> you are still running that cat.
> Just what the user expects.

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