On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 11:07:25AM +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> .. 
> vga1 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Neomagic Magicgraph NM2070" rev 0x01
> ..

I have one of these in an an old Dell laptop that was given to me. I would
have settled with vesa(4), but none of the resolutions seem to fit the
LCD panel properly and look terrible.

> It has a neomagic videocard and an internal 800x600 screen, that is
> apparently best run at 16bit (limited video ram)
> To ease autodetection, I created a simple xorg.conf file with the
> following entry:
> # vi xorg.conf
> Section "Screen"
>         Identifier      "Default Screen"
>         DefaultDepth    16
>         SubSection "Display"
>                 Depth 16
>                 Modes "800x600"
>         EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Xorg however doesn't start, I copy the xorg.log below.
> I see no (EE) entries! where is the problem?
> It appears that my monitor size information gets ignored and that no
> suitable screen is configured, right?
> Riccardo
> ..

If yours is anything like mine, you'll need a "Device" section like

Section "Device"
    Option "noMMIO" "true"
    #Option "progLcdModeRegs" "true"
    #Option "progLcdModeStretch" "true"
    Identifier  "Card0"
    Driver      "neomagic"
    BusID       "PCI:0:3:0"

It seems PCI memory mapped I/O doesn't work with this chipset, or
perhaps it's a regression. This is very old device.

Option "noMMIO" "true" should fix this:
> AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0

The other options I commented out above, "progLcdModeRegs" and
"progLcdModeStretch", appear to fix a strange visual corruption on my
system, a 1-pixel wide vertical line on the right side of the LCD. If you
notice a similiar problem, try uncommenting those options.

Note: XAA acceleration was removed from recent X servers, that means no
2D acceleration. There was never 3D acceleration (DRI/DRM) for this
chipset at all.


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