Just an FYI at this time for anyone else searching on this problem. On the other hand, feel free to share ideas if you have 'em.

OpenBSD 5.4 (RELEASE) does not appear to reliably receive ACPI signals delivered by KVM. Or, the version of kvm/qemu (1.4) that ships with ProxmoxVE 3.1 (pve 3.1) fails to deliver ACPI shutdown signals to OpenBSD reliably. I'm not sure which. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Limited testing shows that ACPI events fail after the VM has been up and running for a while - not sure how long, yet.

I'm using virtio drivers for both network and disk, but limited testing so far does not show that this makes any difference.

I do note that vio(4) networking in this setup occasionally stops transmitting or receiving; switching back to em(4) resolves that particular issue (so far). When the vio(4) driver goes awry, the only immediate symptom is that the VM stops sending and receiving packets. Later, I discover that afflicted VMs can no longer shut down cleanly, either... presumably a KVM/OpenBSD interaction of some sort, I'm not pointing fingers in *any* direction right now. (Especially since it could be something I've done, too.)

So far everything appears stable enough to run in production with the exception of vio(4). I have had to virtually yank the plug on a few VMs in order to shut them down, however... back to the good 'ol days of SunOS 3: "shutdown() { 'sync;sync;sync;halt -npq' }" ;-).

-Adam Thompson

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