I personally wouldn't advise using a single bare-metal machine just for
dhcp, a separate one for dns, a separate one for sendmail etc. Seems like a
huge waste of resources to me. My opinion is that you would fare better, as
was suggested earlier, to use some of the other bare-metal machines for
more intensive tasks like Apache. And, I always like to have a spare box or
two to experiment with different things on, so I would keep one just for
that if it were me. Virtualizing is great for testing and experimenting,
but sometimes you can't beat a real machine for that.

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 12:50 AM, Christopher Ahrens <n...@leviacomm.net>wrote:

> Matthew Weigel wrote:
>> On 1/13/2014 9:11 PM, Christopher Ahrens wrote:
>>> Jack Woehr wrote:
>>>> Christopher Ahrens wrote:
>>>>> Wish I could split everything off to physical, but all I have for
>>>>> space for is a mini-rack that fits under my desk in my apartment
>>>> Sounds like you have answered your own question!
>>> What I meant by bare-metal was if I should run a bunch of services on
>>> the same
>>> installation of OpenBSD.
>> Well, hardware failures on a small pool of machines are still hardware
>> failures on a small pool of machines, whether you have virtual servers or
>> not.
>> For security, chroot (especially with privilege separation) accomplishes
>> a lot
>> of what virtualization claims to offer, with a much longer history of
>> auditing
>> and better understood weaknesses.
>> It is usually easier, in my experience, to manage one system running many
>> services in individual chroot environments than to manage many (virtual)
>> systems.  Files in chroot environments will sometimes need to be updated
>> when
>> you change the main system, but in my experience this is a much easier
>> task to
>> identify and manage than applying those changes en masse to a collection
>> of
>> virtual hosts.  Plus, there will be plenty of system updates to the main
>> system that don't need to trickle down to the chroot environments, but
>> will
>> almost always need to be applied individually to each virtual host.
>> You may still want to physically separate some concerns if you have enough
>> machines (e.g., build machines vs. service machines, spreading out
>> disk-intensive services, etc.), but in general I don't think
>> virtualization
>> will particularly help you.
> OK, I think I'll try loading multiple services onto single machines, I'm
> thinking that I could always just attach a bunch of carp interfaces (one
> for each service) to the machine then if I want to move that service to
> another machine (Virtual or physical) I just destroy the carp interface and
> recreate it on the new one.
> At this point my plan is to use a pair of machines for a specific category
> (to allow for a machine failure or allow for update cycles with no
> downtime), each pair would handle one of Public internet services
> (external-facing DNS, Public Web server, SMTP filtering), internal services
> (Internal DNS, LDAP, CA), or business applications (Wiki, Mail Store / IMAP
> access, source code control).  The last two boxes used as spare and to test
> virtualization options.
> I am just not using a single machine for multiple roles (I cut my teeth on
> Windows 2000/2003 and picked up some bad habits and obsolete advice)

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