On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Christopher Ahrens <n...@leviacomm.net>wrote:

> Kevin Lyda wrote:
>> Regarding the "less architecture support to save electricity"
>> argument, I'm not sure one follows the other. Computing power has
>> grown to a point that emulators are perfectly valid - particularly for
>> older systems.
>> I think a push to package and maintain emulators for many of these
>> older architectures would be beneficial in many ways. There's some
>> amount of this already - there are instructions for the simh simulator
>> for the VAX arch for instance. The obvious benefits I couldd see would
>> be:
>> 1) You could spin up builds on them w/ little to no effect on electricity
>> usage.
>> 2) Even if the OpenBSD foundation's arch X machine dies, there would
>> still be infrastructure to maintain the port.
>> 3) It would widen the possible number of developers if people could
>> spin up older architectures in an emulator.
>> 4) It would make OpenBSD a valuable tool for accessing older media and
>> documenting older architectures.
>> I know emulators are not perfect, so a physical machine would be
>> superior.  But if there was some encouragement for emulators for archs
>> I think those would be useful benefits.
> Even if emulators did work, you still have a couple of problems:
> *Instructions are executed as they should, not how they actually work
> *instructions will, at best, take a two instructions on the host if
>  the architectures and endianness match; if not:
>   The instruction has to matched against a lookup table and if there
>   is a single equivalent instruction to do the same thing and you have
>   the same endianness, that is three processors cycles.  If its
>   different endianness, then you now have between 32 and 128 more
>   instructions (convert to the host endianness then back for 16 to
>   64-bit archs)
>   Now if there isn't an equivalent instructions (welcome to the
>   difference between CISC and RISC machines)  you are probably going to
>   have to run two all the way up to a couple dozen instructions to
>   emulate just one, plus you still have the same problem with
>   endianness like before
> *assuming all the above works, you are still tripling the effort in
>  debugging because now you have to determine if the bug is in the
>  emulated environment, the emulator itself, or the host OS.
> *Even if the above still works perfectly, you will still miss all the
>  bugs caused by memory alignment (the host will fix any of that), which
>  are the most common we find or the host ends up adding new ones.
> But all this is ignoring the real purpose of running on real hardware
> which is that the same code runs on all the boxes, so if one of them
> outputs something unexpected from the other machines, we know something
> is wrong.
> The only way to reduce our power for the older archs is if someone were
> able to re-build the entire system on more power-efficient,
> bug-compatible chips
>  Support for multiple archs brings interest and exposes bad code in
>> ways limited arch support does not.
> Exactly
>  Dropping that to save electricity
>> is not a valid reason with today's compute power.
>> Anyway, it's been a long time since I did stuff with OpenBSD, but I
>> think it would be a shame to drop such support. So I'll back up my
>> words with some cash.  And if I get a roundtuit, perhaps some code or
>> docs as well.
> Please continue to do this.  Cash, code and correct docs help OpenBSD,
> dreaming doesn't.
>> Kevin
> And now to paraphrase Theo:
> Shut up, donate, and hack.
>Please continue to do this.  Cash, code and correct docs help OpenBSD,
dreaming doesn't.

I've donated $20 a month in perpetuity via
http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/donations.html.  The community needs less
than 99 other donors willing to admit that OpenBSD is worth more than a
pizza.  This doesn't even begin to make up for the benefit I've received
from the project, but it is a start.

A small suggested change to the OpenBSD.org page header- put a donate
button and a small message under the header picture.  "We need X financial
maintainers @ $20 a month."  I completely forgot that I could donate until
I saw this thread come up on reddit.com/r/programming, and it didn't even
occur to me that I should be donating monthly until I read the thread.
 Sometimes, you just have to be that obvious to people, and it may be
easier to ask for a few new donors every so often than to be beholden to a
single large donor.

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