Laurent CARON( on 2013.12.13 11:31:02 +0100:
> Hi,
> I'm using cymru[1] bogon feed onto a router receiving several full tables.
> On this router I have:
>     neighbor $CYMRU_PEER_v4 {
>         descr                   cymru-fullbogon-v4-001
>         local-address           $NERIM_MY_v4
>         max-prefix              9550 restart 10
>     }
> bgpctl show rib correctly shows the prefixes being added with nexthop
> This nexthop however is invalid (because I can't reach it directly),
> which doesn't matter to me since this traffic should be blackholed
> anyway.
> To blackhole this traffic I use:
> match from group cymru_bogons set nexthop blackhole
> The traffic never gets blackholed....unless I use
>         set nexthop             $NERIM_PEER_v4
> in the neighbor stanza.
> Is it a normal behavior, a misunderstanding on my side, or a bug ?

This is normal behaivor (and perhaps a misunderstanding on your side):

bgpd will only put routes into the fib that are best and valid in the rib.

A route comming from an EBGP-peer is only valid if the nexthop is directly
connected. To make the route valid you can force the nexthop to a useable
nexthop, for exampe your $NERIM_PEER_v4. you could also use $NERIM_MY_v4.


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