On 5 February 2014 06:35, Holger Glaess <gla...@glaessixs.de> wrote:
> Am 03.02.2014 17:54, schrieb Kenneth Westerback:
>> Reactivating the dhclient-script is not going to happen.
>> I am interested in what you would see syntax in dhclient.conf looking
>> like.
>> Would multi-path routing modifications to all routes be needed? How should
>> this
>> be combined with supersede/default/append commands for the relevant
>> options? Would it apply to all members of each option, or route by
>> route?
>> If all else fails you can always use the ISC dhclient from ports to
>> gain access to a dhclient-script again.
>> .... Ken
>> On 31 January 2014 02:04, Holger Glaess <gla...@glaessixs.de> wrote:
>>> Am 30.01.2014 13:10, schrieb Giancarlo Razzolini:
>>>> Em 29-01-2014 18:13, Holger Glaess escreveu:
>>>>> hi
>>>>> i try to setup and multipath configuration with 2 line provider
>>>>> 1 cable with dhcp(client)
>>>>> 1 with pppoe
>>>>> just dynamic ips.
>>>>> the pppoe config create well the new default route with -math
>>>>> but dhclient dont.
>>>>> [snip pppoe config]
>>>>> inet NONE \
>>>>> pppoedev msk0 authproto pap \
>>>>> authname 'bla@blub' authkey 'blub' up
>>>>> dest
>>>>> !/sbin/route add -mpath default -ifp pppoe0
>>>>> [/snip pppoe config]
>>>>> after a couple of days i found that the dhclient not use the
>>>>> dhclient-script since 5.3 anymore.
>>>>> so how can i setup the -math option at the dhclient config ?
>>>>> or it is possible to add some lines in dhclient that he check the
>>>>> sysctl and , if net.inet.ip.multipath=1 ,
>>>>> he add the default route with ( for ) multipathing.
>>>>> holger
>>>> Check if your dhcp server always gives you the same router ip address.
>>>> If so, you can tweak with your dhclient.conf to reject and not ask for
>>>> routers, and then set it up manually as you do in your hostname.pppoe0.
>>>> And you can always run a script that is run after the dhcp negotiation,
>>>> looks for the gateway related entry, deletes it and then re-adds it with
>>>> the mpath modifier. There are a lot of options in this regard.
>>>> Cheers,
>>> hi
>>> shure , i can write a wrap around solution for the but this not the
>>> "dynamic" way like
>>> pppoe or  dhcp  to get and set ips.
>>> i'm not the C programmer but i think  it is not mutch work to add a
>>> solution
>>> in dhclient,
>>> or as option to reaktivate the dhclient-script part.
>>> holger
> hi
> at moment i have following setup
> # cat hostname.pppoe0
> inet NONE \
> pppoedev msk0 authproto pap \
> authname 'bla' authkey 'blub' up
> dest
> #!/sbin/route add default -ifp pppoe0
> #!/sbin/route add -inet6 default -ifp pppoe0 ::
> #
> !/sbin/route add -mpath default -ifp pppoe0
> !/sbin/route add -inet6 -mpath default -ifp pppoe0 ::
> # cat /etc/hostname.vlan5
> dhcp vlandev msk1
> !/sbin/route add -mpath default xww.x.yy.zz.
> # cat /etc/dhclient.conf
> timeout 15;
> retry 5;
> reboot 2;
> select-timeout 5;
> initial-interval 2;
> interface "vlan5" {
> ignore domain-name-servers;
> ignore host-name;
> ignore routers;
> send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
> request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
>         domain-name-servers, host-name, ntp-servers;
> }
> it work for a while with the mpath settings after the start but if the
> dhclient renew his setting he set the default route
> i his standard way , hi ignore the settings in his config ( is this right ?
> )

I've never tried mixing vlans and dhclient, so I'm not 100% sure what
the behaviour is going to be. :-)

If you can run dhclient from the command line, and specify the '-L' option and a
file location, I'd be interested in what the offered and effective
dhcp leases look
like. Also a tcpdump of the interaction could supply valuable
information. Again,
not sure of tcpdump vs vlan interfaces, but something like

tcpdump -i msk1 -s 2000 -w <filename>

running when you start dhclient should generate a useful file I can peruse.

After that I can send you some dhclient debugging diffs if necessary.

.... Ken

> holger

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