hmm, on Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 12:35:57PM -0501, Nick Holland said that
> Name one person.
> Name one browser.
> Name one problem.

so small problems or "quirks" are not problems anymore?
honestly Nick, go compare the code to the pages and you
should blush.

> Validation is NOT sufficient for having a universally usable website.
> Validation is NOT required for having a universally usable website.

the openbsd site uses pictures and text.  the 2 simplest
elements in existence.  and you can't make the page validate....
thank god you don't have to do anything more complicated.

these pages are from being complicated yet you fail to make
them simpler because you hate html.  a person who loves html
wouldn't do such things to it you are doing.

> I don't care how "valid" my website is if someone with some browser has
> trouble reading it.

that's why you shouldn't be making html pages.  everyone and his
dog can make pages.  but making correct pages takes effort.
the pages on the openbsd site are the same html quality as
the howto's you just ridiculed.

> definition of "problem".  There are REAL problems on the website, on
> pages which "validate" just fine.  Which would you have me fix?  The

I AM SENDING YOU THE PATCHES.  does it take hours to commit them?
nobody asks any extra work from you or the team.

while you read the flame war here (but ignoring some of us) you
could have already commit the fixes.  noone will flame you
for making the pages validate.

> The really pathetic thing is you aren't naming the real, practical
> benefits for passing a validator test.

i tell you what, take it as lint for web pages.  it will make
you feel warm and fuzzy if nothing else.  you see, the other
devs _do_ use lint because they want their C to be perfect.

> Go fork the project (or at least the website).
> You can call it WebBSD.  Whatever.
> "We got the best website.  No validation errors in six years!".
> Go write your content to whatever standards you wish.  YOU will be the one
> "in charge of that".  You can do WHATEVER YOU LIKE.

you are clearly taking this personally.

> Go find yourself content writers and a translation team.  Have contests
> for design, logos, etc.  Stick your finger in the wind of public

how would fixing the damn errors slow down the tranlastors
please tell me?  how would a new design slow them down?
tell me or shut up.

> every message (ok, almost every...I've started an "ignore" list of people
> who warrent not ever giving a response to) that goes through misc@,

i guess i made your list.

it is very unfortunate from all of you who think i am simply
flaming.  i am trying to solve a problem the others think
is not there.  "it's peanuts" they say.  i wouldn't care an
inch if this was linux.  but openbsd is perfectionalist except
it's face on the internet.

not so open after all.  is it?

dogmatism: puppyism come to its full growth.

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