>On 11/28/05, Nick Holland
>> Name one person.
>> Name one browser.
>> Name one problem.
>I believe I've mentioned several problems in this
>thread which occur
>with several browsers. 
Said problems are not worth the effort of repeating here.

>I suppose that I had hoped
>that the OpenBSD
>team would greet new ideas with respect when
>respectfully discussed. 
I would hope they would greet nay good iedas I had, if I had
any, regarless of my respect or lack thereof.

>I didn't expect anyone to automatically agree with
>me, but I was hoping
>for a civil conversation, not from list members at
>large, but at least
>from the OpenBSD team. I guess that was too much to
>hope for. This
>conversation, at least on my end, is over.
One down.

>No wonder people hate OpenBSD nerds. 
Why would you think that?
I assure you I am NOT an OpenBSD nerd.

>Really. What
>were you expecting
>me to say? "Your status as an OpenBSD team leader
>and your ALL CAPS
>have convinced me?
>I expected that kind of behavior from random list
>members, but if this
>is the kind of nonsensical, childing thinking and
>behavior that goes
>on in the OpenBSD team, I don't know what to think
>about the quality
>of the product right now.
You don't know what to think. Probably don't know how.

>- Jeremy

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