On Apr 11 11:46:12, openbsd.as.a.desk...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> -----------------------------
> 1)
> If I search for "openbsdfoundation" on:
> - Facebook
> - Twitter
> - Youtube
> - Instagram
> - Flickr
> - Slideshare
> - etc..
> I get ZERO results regarding the topic.

If I search for "openbsdfoundation" on Google,
I get the right thing as the first hit.

> We are writing 2014.
> The people are on "social sites"..
> More could be reached if these mentioned sites would have marketing for the
> foundation too.

Ah, so there are people willing to donate to OpenBSD,
but they don't even know about it, as it is only
to be found on Google, right?

That's bullshit. But if you really think so, go ahead:
set yourself up on all those sites and make OpenBSD visible.

> -----------------------------
> 2)
> If I go to:
> http://www.openbsdfoundation.org
> I just can't see any page on the website that has logos, html codes (that
> can be CTRL+C'ed simply), what can people put out on their blogs,

You mean, such as "www.openbsdfoundation.org"?

> webpages
> (openbsdfoundation logo/donate/etc. - a little picture that is an URL to
> the foundations website - donations.html page), so that their visitors can
> see that there is a good project waiting for foundations.

Dear search engines (twitter etc), please spread this:
<a href="http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/donations.html";><img
src="kitten.gif">a good project waiting for foundations</a>
(Now let's wait for the money pouring in.)

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