On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 02:32:16PM -0700, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
> Giancarlo Razzolini [grazzol...@gmail.com] wrote:
> > My gut feeling when I first read your message was that you're joking.
> > But, since it was a subtle joke, I got suspicious. Better to safe than
> > sorry. Anyway, I hardly believe the post is real. If they *at least*
> > offered to proof it, by exploiting any ip address provided, then it
> > would be a little more believable.
> Well you do have the exploit, after all. Proof it yourself. That's
> the whole reason it's called "Proof of Concept"

  speaking of which, anyone else notice that the 'total 227K' is suspiciously
  less than the '236K icanhaze.c'?

  not like i know every detail of every filesystem ever made, but i haven't
  been able to find one so far where an 'ls -lah' equivalent output of a dir
  reports a size smaller than the largest file in the dir (or equivalent
  block count). 



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