Chris Cappuccio [] wrote:
> Mattieu Baptiste [] wrote:
> > Le 8 juin 2014 13:38, "Nick Ryan" <> a ??crit :
> > > I know it???s no consolation to you but using a Kingston 30 GB mSATA from
> > amazon works perfectly. The APU is on the May bios and I???ve had no issues.
> > >
> > > Didn???t the PCEngines mSATA drive have problems in general? There???s a
> > mention on here about issues with the a version - is that yours?
> >
> > 
> > Theoritically, I should have the new firmware (that's what told my vendor).
> > But it seems there are still problems with these.
> > 
> > Thanks for the tip concerning the Kingston drive.
> I've been using the Sandisk X110 msata. Borat says great success!

As soon as I open my mouth....

# tar xzpf base55.tgz
ahci0: log page read failed, slot 31 was still active.
ahci0: stopping the port, softreset slot 31 was still active.
tar: Failed write to file ./usr/lib/ Input/output error
gzip: stdin: crc error

It's actually the Plextor M5M seems to be ok, that's what is in the box
I've been using more. Ironically the buggy SuperSpeed thing from PC Engines
stock is also reliable for me, albiet slow.

Another problem I noticed with the X110 msata was the drive not saving all
data on reboot. Like 'reboot' and low and behold, filesystem dirty!


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