On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:36 PM, lm <l...@redabierta.es> wrote:
> Hello,
> I haven't follow your issue, but  it looks to me
> like your fans are not spinning under OpenBSD.
> Did you check that?
> lm

Good idea to check, for sure.  Fans are good, though.  The only thing
noisier in my house would be the refrigerator when the compressor kicks
on.  (Yes, the silence is "deafening" in my home -- my thoughts are
allowed free rein without the competing noise of the outside world.)  I
can hear increase in speed even with a single core as processing becomes
more intensive.  As I mentioned earlier, I don't consider any of this an
issue.  The additional cores do not add anything to enhance my OpenBSD
experience :)

I did think of a more elegant way to handle my box, though.  I can leave
the cores enabled along with HyperThreading and simply omit the bsd.mp
package when installing/upgrading.  Without bsd.mp, the other cores have
no choice but to stare at cpu0 wistfully.


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