#badbios redux?
I seem to recall it was suspected that badbios started
with an infected USB stick.

On 8/1/14, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> You may have heard about the "badusb" talk coming at blackhat. In
> theory, we should wait to watch the talk and see what it's actually
> about, but since some people can't wait that long, here's a few
> thoughts. (I'm a little surprised nobody has asked here already. I have
> some time free, thought I'd beat the rush. :))
> The claims on the main page, https://srlabs.de/badusb/, are fairly
> reasonable if a little vague. Other claims I'm reading elsewhere
> appear a little overhyped. In order of increasing danger...
> 0. The final claim is that once infected, you'll always be infected
> because disinfection is nigh impossible. Meh. The same could be said
> of the firefox exploit of the week. It too can reprogram your bios or
> persist itself in any number of ways.
> 1. They're exploiting all manner of Windows specific autorun
> functionality to install or configure drivers. By default, OpenBSD
> will do just about nothing when a USB device is plugged in, so this is
> not a serious concern.
> 2. They have created a rogue keyboard device which will type naughty
> commands. In theory, the same keyboard could type "rm -rf ~" into an
> xterm. This is a tiny bit more challenging since it probably depends
> on your desktop environment and window manager, but presumably your
> attacker will know all that. So yeah, vulnerable. But at the same
> time, I could also train a monkey to type that command and strap it to
> your normal not backdoored keyboard. Beware the badmonkey attack, too.
> 3. A storage device may lie about the contents of a file. Sometimes it
> will say one thing (so it looks safe on this computer), sometimes it
> will say another (so it installs a backdoor on that computer). Don't
> install OpenBSD from media you don't control. Technically, signing the
> sets won't help since the backdoor installer might have a bogus key on
> it (or a bogus installer that doesn't check). You can always pxeboot
> and hope that the firmware in your ethernet card is more trustworthy.
> They don't appear to mention two other avenues of exploitation,
> which may be more practical. I refer specifically to OpenBSD,
> though there's no such limitation. First, the USB stack has a number
> of known races and other bugs, especially around attach/detach and
> error handling. If a rogue device attached and detached itself several
> times, it could likely corrupt the kernel heap. Game over.
> Second, any USB disk, even one with a normal firmware, can have an evil
> filesystem image on it. By this, I mean the metadata that the kernel
> reads is corrupt, not that it has naughty files. There have been crash
> reports when mounting corrupted (and even not corrupted) (e.g.)
> MSDOSFS disks. The kernel is a little too trusting that a filesystem
> is what it claims to be. There are probably exploitable vulns here,
> too.
> All that to basically say "don't panic" (that's the kernel's job).
> Fixing filesystem bugs is something we'll do, of course, but it's not
> a priority for me to sit down and start fuzzing Right Now. Same for
> miscellaneous bugs in the USB stack.

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