On 04-08-2014 19:17, Eric Dilmore wrote:
> prio sounds great on paper, but I'm pretty sure they are a per-interface
> priority queue. Could it still prioritize packets from the Asterisk vlan
> above those from other vlans?
Yes, it is per-interface. But the prio is applied on the dequeuing. You
can prioritize asterisk on the vlans and also on your external interface.
> Also, I was fairly sure from the pf.conf man page that queues were on
> the outbound interface, not the inbound. Is that wrong?
I've went and read the man page to be sure. It only mentions outgoing
interface one time. But you were confused by the terminology. outgoing
interface only mean the interface the packet is leaving. It can, or
can't be the external interface, the one were your internet link is.
Packets can be queued and dequeued many times as they cross the
interfaces. They can even be assigned to queues when specifying rules
referring another interface. Queuing is a very complicated matter. And
the examples both on the pf.conf man page, and it's faq, are meant as a
starting point.


Giancarlo Razzolini
GPG: 4096R/77B981BC

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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