> On 14/08/14 11:45, patrick keshishian wrote:
> > You can do what I do. I purchase the CDs but request
> > the vendor not to send me the actual, physical CDs. That's
> > my preferred donation method.
> Cool.  Where does the money all go in that case?  Definitely the most
> simple option so far.

A good portion of the CD sales pays me a salary, as I do the release
engineering throughout the year.  Obviously there are overheads in
doing a production & sales & shipping operation, so the word portion
is correct.

As to what the salary pays, well basically it means 4.5 months of
making sure the development process doesn't take too many risks and go
off the rails, and 1.5 months of producing the release.  A release
which is ready for the internet, but also ready to go onto the CDs --
which even today act as a significant "control" to make sure we don't
do bat shit crazy stuff like bloat the code.

Then, repeat; 36 or so times in a row so far.

Anyone want to volunteer to take over the release process?

During that entire process, I coordinate and participate in the
security ideas our project is famous for.

> How does it compare for using the SWIFT method outlined on the website?

The SWIFT donations go to the Project.  That is spent on things which
the Foundation doesn't pay for.

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