Hello Ludovic,

On 28/08/14(Thu) 20:52, ludovic coues wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently, I get a kernel page fault every time I try to use the
> micronucleus [1] command line tool. It 's for uploading an hex file to
> ATtiny processor, much like arduino's avrude. The crash is pretty
> consistent, occuring every time I run `micronucleus --run`.
> I've managed to use it with success in the past on this machine with
> 55-release so it might be hardware related. I added a realtek wireless
> device since last time I've get a successful run with micronucleus.
> I get the following message when I run it:
> uvm_fault(0xffffffff81daaf001, 0x2, 2, 0, 1) -> e
> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
> Stopped at usbd_get_cdesc+035: movzwl 0x2 (%rax),%eax
> It's followed by the debugger prompt. I don't know how what to do from
> that point. I'm willing to spend time tracking the source of the
> problem but I have no idea of what I'm looking for.

Thanks for reporting the problem.  I believe this is the same issue that
has been reported by Thomas Pfaff in February [0] and fixed post 5.5 [1].

Could you try a snapshot and tell me if you can still reproduce it?


[0] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=139135208628637&w=2
[1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=139194643911061&w=2

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