On 03-10-2014 16:01, Matti Karnaattu wrote:
> Soon it is probably nearly impossible to do anything useful with web
> without Javascript. It is defacto and dejure standard language for
> portable applications.
I believe the OP could have done his research a little better, there are
other ways of finding contact information, even when the site refuses to
give any information unless javascript is enabled. But, I too only
enable javascript on the sites only when I feel the need to do so.
Javascript can be, and has been, used to do all sort of nasty stuff.
And, since more and more things are moving to the web, it's a big
target. Try using noscript and you'll see that some websites bring along
thirdy-party scripts that themselves bring along other scripts. It's a
nightmare. You can't possibly trust all of them.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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