On 09-10-2014 11:23, Justin Mayes wrote:
> In Reyk's presentation he talks about this
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtMxGslqGbM) @ 19:30 and describes the 'link
balancer' functionality of relayd intended to do exactly what I want. It
appears to work as described. In the presentation Reyk says relayd will check
for upstream router availability but the conf example just pings the interface
it appears. Sorry for all the babble but I am away from the location where I
have 2 internet connections so I cannot test this stuff right now as I
normally would.
Link balancer doesn't mean link failover. Also, with multipath you
already have your links balanced, provided they have the same route
priority. You can extend the relayd funcionality through the use of
scripts and achieve link failover. But, in this case, I believe that a
state machine, such as ifstated, is better suited for the job. Also, it
has network interface failure detection for free, withouth the need for
icmp checks. Take a look at it and see if helps in your case. I've been
using for years to balance/failover mulltiple links (not just two) with
no issue. Of course it will have to interact with you pf rules, mostly
through the use of anchors.


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